Update 2025/02/07

After the successful distribution of Volker Bandke's Turnkey 3 and Jürgen Winkelmanns' Turnkey 4-, Turnkey 5 is now available. TK5 is fully restructured but still based upon TK3, TK4 and TK4ROB.
MVS TK5 consists of only 15 DASD volumes (reduces from 28 volumes in TK4+). Most of the volumes are 3390 type DASD.

In keeping with the commitment to keep TK5 current, Update-4 is now available for download.

MVS was IBM’s flagship mainframe operating system from the mid-seventies until the mid-eighties. MVS TK5 is an implementation of OS/VS2 MVS Release 3.8J. The successors to MVS 3.8, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390 and z/OS all demonstrate their OS/VS MVS 3.8 heritage.

Features of MVS-TK5.

  • 3390 support of the system residence volume.
  • Hyperion Hercules SDL 4.60 64 bit Windows version and 64 bit Linux version. The other operating systems stays on Hyperion Hercules SDL 4.3.99999 (only if you install the complete system).
  • ISPF 2.2, Wally Maclaughlin's version of IBM's ISPF.
  • PTF RRKF007: update on RAKF to remove the need of alphabetical order of the members USERS and PROFILES. 
  • PTF RRKF008: update on RAKF to replace 'mawk' with BREXX execs in the jobs VSAMLRAC, VSAMSRAC and VTOCSRAC in RAKF.SAMPLIB. *NEW
  • Updated FTP deamon (start with /S FTPD), Hercules SDL should be present 
  • TSO command LOOKMVS with alias LOOK. A TSO command to look in the active storage 
  • Rebuild of DSSDUMP and DSSREST in SYS2.DSSCNTL and SYS2.DSSLIB and SYS2.DSSLIB added in IEAAPF00
    rework ZAP member DSSDUMP$ to add check of resource DSSAUTH in the FACILITY class.
  • PDS command updated from to *UPDATED
  • FSE 2.01, a simple but effective editor.
  • DSCOPY with prerequisites PDSCOPY and IFALC.
  • CALNDR2 sample with new ISPF API module LBISPL
  • REVIEW  updated from 51.2 to 51.6 *UPDATED
  • RPF updated from 1.9.7 to 2.0.0. *UPDATED
  • BREXX370 updated from V2R5M2 to V2R5M3L01.
  • Latest version of IMON
  • ISPF option 5 with ISPOPT5
  • INTERCOMM, a CICS like application
    submit job RUNICOM in SYS2.JCLLIB to start Intercomm
  • Intercomm 3380 volume with vol=ser=INT001
  • ALGOL 2.1 upgrade of Tom Armstrong. 
  • COBOL Bufsize fix (job $COBOLZP in SYS2.TK5.CNTL)
  • EDIT, a console editor to make emergency updates on libraries like SYS1.PROCLIB
  • ARCHIVER 6.1.8 (file 147 on www.cbttape.org) *UPDATED
  • New ISPF panels for RPF 3.4, RPF edit, browse, PDS and Reset stats
  • NJE38 V250 to use JES2 NJE with the TSO commands TRANSMIT and RECEIVE.
  • Updated OS/360 Sort/Merge for MVS 3.8. Download PDF manuals from SORT.MVS38.CNTL members $INSGUID and $APLGUID
  • ICKDSF13
  • CUTIL00 updated from V1R1M00 to V1R1M05 
  • LISTDSJ updated from V1R0M40 to V2R0M00
  • RECVXMIT updated from V0R9M00 to V0R9M01.
  • PUTCARD V0R9M00.
  • CCOMPR updated from V0R9M00 to V0R9M01.
  • PUTCARD updated from V0R9M00 to V0R9M01
  • ISPF option 0. ISPF log and list. 
  • ISPF option 3.DC with DSCOPY
  • ISPF option 3.7. VTOC utilities, free space monitor, allocations display, catalog management and UCB display. *UPDATED
  • ISPF option 3.12 (SUPERC) and Option 3.13 (SUPERCE).
  • ISPF option 4 with the RPF foreground assembler.
  • ISPF option 5. Background language processors.
  • ISPF option M. The "old" TSOAPPLS menu.
  • ISPF option M.DC. Perpetual Calendar.
  • ISPF option M.R. RECEIVE interface.
  • ISPF option M.XM. TRANSMIT interface.
  • TSOEXEC. A TSO command processor to run authorized TSO commands in an unauthorized environment.
  • MAP3270 3.2.3. *UPDATED
  • LBTUTOR V0R9M01, a HELP function for ISPF.
  • HTTPD web server updated from 2.0.0 to 3.3.0. *UPDATED
  • LUA370 1.1 *NEW
  • Source LIbrary Manager SLIM V1R1M0 *NEW
  • STF (Skybird Test Facility) *NEW

The following usermods are applied:

ZP60009 rework(20240311),
ZP60039 rework(20220308),
ZP60040 rework(20220308),
ZP60042 rework(20230628) and contains M096220,
RRKF008, replace mawk into BREXX for members VTOCSRAC, VSAMLRAC and VSAMSRAC *NEW
ZBP0001, spooling JES2 output to VM/370
ZBP0002 rework(20240110) to support VM UNDIAL commands
RP00001, fix AMDPRDMP Fix usage of SYSUT1 on 3375/3380/3390.
RP00002. fix of placing SYS1.DUMPxx on 3375/3380/3390.
RP00003, return to correct number of cylinders of a 3380 and 3390
RP00004, bypass RACFDEF in IEHMOVE. *NEW

All usermods are re-packaged and distributed in separate libraries with high-level qualifier USERMOD.

The following usermod(s) are updated:

  • ZJW0007: add subsystem EDIT.
  • M023000: The device support for 3375, 3380 and 3390. This set is completely reworked 
  • ZP60009: Fix some isuues in 3270 support 
  • ZP60043: fix the DCB= problem, if the referenced dataset is resident on the system residence volume and cataloged with VOLSER(******).
  • ZJW0005; add TSO pre prompt LOGON exit.

The following usermod(s) are deleted:

  • TMVS805, superseded by ZP60039.
  • ZUM0003, superseded by ZJW0006.
  • M026xxx, these usermods are replaced by the reworked usermod set M023000.

The '=x' fix of RFE.
Some JCC errors 

In SYS1.PARMLIB I haved added IEALPA00. This member becomes active if you specify MLPA=00 in IEASYS00. IEALPA00 contains 39 RPF modules and 4 aliasses.

Other modifications
The procedure ADDUSER contains now allocations for &SYSUID.EXEC, &SYSUID.ISP.PLIB and &SYSUID.ISP.PROF libraries.

You can download the complete system or the updates by clicking on one of the buttons below:


This complete system contains the following disks:

  • TK5RES - 3390,MVS sysres volume.
  • TK5CAT - 3390, MVS catalog volume, contains the master catalog SYS1.MCAT.TK5.
  • TK5DLB - 3390, MVS distribution libraries.
  • TK5001 - 3390, package volume 1. Contains usercatalog SYS1.UCAT.TK5.
  • TK5002 - 3390, package volume 2.
  • TSO001 - 3390, TSO pack 1. Contains usercatalog SYS1.UCAT.TSO,
  • TSO002 - 3390, TSO pack 2.
  • TSO003 - 3390, TSO pack 3.
  • WORK01 - 3390, workpack 1.
  • WORK02 - 3390, workpack 2.
  • WORK02 - 3390, workpack 3.
  • WORK03 - 3390, workpack 4.
  • INT001 - 3380, Intercomm pack. A CICS-like application.
  • PAGE00 - 3350, page volume.
  • SPOOL0 - 3350, JES2 spool volume.

The black highlighted volumes will be replaced in the future updates,
In Update-2 the volume TK5DLB is replaced. TK5DLB is also included in Update-3 and future updates, but will not be copied if Update-2 or the complete system is already installed.

DOWNLOAD MVS-TK5 with Update 4 DOWNLOAD UPDATE 4 TK5 Introduction and User Manual

  • The complete TK5 system is a complete system with Hercules, all the conf files and manuals. It also has Update 4 installed.
  • The modifications are only the updated volumes, some scripts and some documents. Install the update in the following way:
    • Download Update-4 in the mvs-tk5 directory;
    • Unzip mvstk5-update4.zip in place. Replace the files if asked;
    • For Linux users: go to directory mvs-tk5 and execute a chmod -R +x * command.
    • Run script cleanup.bat for Windows or cleanup for Linux.
    • After IPL of the updated system, run the job update.txt. Submit this job with devinit 00c update.txt
  • If you use this system for the first time, downloading of the complete system is required.


  1. Update-4 is a cumulative update and supersedes Update 1, Update-2 and Update-3.
  2. In Update-4, the volume TK5DLB is included. If Update-2 or later was installed, the volume will not be copied to your system.

Installation and migration instructions.
Press on the TK5 Introduction and User Manual above.

Note! The 'doc' directory contains now a lot of usable manuals.

Optional material:

These are the CBT and SRC volumes of Volker Bandke's TK3 system and the SYSCPK volume of Jay Mosely. Install this file as follows:

  • Download srccbt.zip by clicking on the button below;
  • Place the zip file in the root of your mvs-tk5 system;
  • Unzip the file in place. Replace the files if asked;
  • IPL your system (mvs.bat for windows or ./mvs for Linux);
  • Run this job to catalog the datasets on the CBT-, SRC- and SYSCPK volumes.