What is new in Release 1.9.8?

RPF Minor errors fixed and minor improvements made.
Panvalet interface (modules RPFPAN00 and RPFPAN01) deleted.
OS VS/2 Release 1 (SVS) supported in most modules.
RPFV Stand alone DS-LIST: ex. PREFIX(SYS1.L) possible to display all data sets starting with SYS1.L.
RPFDATAL Entry screen: =n or =n.n (fast jump) supported in Member name or Data set name field.
Entry screen: Option menu deleted.
Fix test of first character of member name
RPFSRCH Fix ABEND0C4 in SEARCH of RECFM=V(B) sequential data set.
RPFBRO Browse: scroll from/to cursor if the cursor is in the data.
Browse: Fix omission of error messages if an error occurs.
Fix browse error and ABEND0C4 in HEX mode if a record with variable length contains no data.
RPFARCH Archiver: Line command 'N' added to browse the note of an item if present and add an '*' after VERSION in ITEM list if Notes are present.
RPFEDIT After a succesful 'F' primary command, place cursor on the line where the string is found, if on the same screen.
Multiple line commands 'D' supported in 1 screen.
RPFPFK Accept Erase EOF and DEL key.
RPFMVCPY MOVE/COPY: set cursor on field in error if a problem is detected.
RPFPDS Fix IO-error after selecting a member, which is created by EDIT CREATE primary command.
Fix test of first character of member name in primary command 'S member' in EDIT mode.
RPFLISTC DS-LIST: module rewritten. Use Super Locate instead of link to IDCAMS.
RPFINIT Option 'CAPS AUT/ON/OFF' read from profile.
RPFDEF Option 'CAPS AUT/ON/OFF' in session defaults screen and written on the RPF profile cluster.

What is new in Release 1.9.7?

RPFALLOC Field 'Other dataset' added in option 3.2.
RPFARCH Archiver: **END** + number of items added in last line of item-list and message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted.
Items deleted without confirmation if option 'Confirm item delete' = <blank> and this option set in entry screen.
RPFBRO Primary command ASCII added in HELP screen.
Browse: *** Bottom of data *** line added.
Fix possible ABEND0C4 during initial repeat FIND.
RPFDATAL Option 'Confirm member delete' in screen in option 3.1 (Library management).
RPFDEF Option 'Confirm member delete' in session defaults screen and written on the RPF profile cluster.
ABEND0C4 fixed if wrong NULLS or wrong REPLACE entered in option 0.1.
Do not display 'Invalid option' if no data entered.
RPFEDIT *** Top of data *** line added and message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted.
RPFFIND EDIT: F X'hh..' nnn checks the wrong column. This is fixed.
RPFINIT Option 'Confirm member delete' read from profile.
RPFLIB Librarian: **END** + number of modules added in last line of module list and message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted.
RPFMAIN Do not display 'Invalid option' if no data entered.
Fix excessive 'Dataset/member saved' messages.
RPFMVCPY Remove limitation of LRECL up to 4096 for sequential datasets and allow copy RECFM=U sequential datasets.
**END** and number of members added in last line of member
selection list and message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted.
RPFPDS Invoke TSOEXEC XMIT or XMIT depending if TSOEXEC is installed or not.
Members deleted without confirmation if option 'Confirm member delete' = <blank>
ABEND0C4 fixed in primary command L if the member selection list is sorted on SIZE.
Member selection list: primary commands LEFT and RIGHT added to show all the information of the member selection
list on narrow screens.
**END** and number of members (and number of records) added in last line of selection list, and message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted.
Reset ISPF stats: Line command 'B' (Browse) added.
RPFSAVE Remove trailing blanks in short V(B) records.
RPFTSO ABEND30A fixed if underlying TSO command fails.
RPFUTIL Do not display 'Invalid option' if no data entered.
RPFVTOC1 DS-list: primary commands LEFT and RIGHT added to show all information of the DS-list on narrow screens.
Primary command HELP added in DS-LIST and HELP info screen added.
**END** + number of datasets and number of tracks added in last line of DS-List. Message 'Scroll had no effect' deleted

What is new in Release 1.9.6?

RPFEDIT: ABEND0C4 fixed with L +/- very large number.
EDIT Primary commands LEFT and RIGHT can be used to scroll from the cursor position if the scroll amount is set to CSR.
The default BNDS values covers only the visible part of the screen.
RPFBRO: No DOWN command needed anymore before a repeat FIND, this known issue is fixed.
Add primary command ASCII to toggle translate from ASCII to EBCDIC or not in BROWSE.
Fix wrong message after trying to submit a non card image dataset.
RPFVTOC1: Support UNZIP of .ZIP datasets before browsing.
Fix 'invalid command' during UP and DOWN primary commands and fix '=n' primary command in DSLIST.
RPFARCH: RENAME of ITEM/GROUP/SUBGROUP/TYPE supported with line command R.
VERSION not substituted if a DELETE was issued for ITEMs without GROUP,SUBGROUP and TYPE. Fixed.
RPFMAIN: Dataset to be edited/browsed/PDS unallocated if main menu displayed to prevent wait conditions. 

What is new in Release 1.9.5?

RPFJCL Skip scan of empty inserted lines.
RPFVTOCx Primary command REFRESH added to refresh the dataset- or VTOC list.
Do not place volume serial into data enty screen.
RPFASM Add BLKSIZE=6050 instead of 121 to SYSPRINT of XF, or H-assembler.
RPF Operand FAST deleted.
RPFBRO In storage BROWSE changed in direct BROWSE to save storage requirements. No storage limitation if browsing large files.
Primary commands LABEL and L are deleted.
RPFMVCPY Support COPY of sequential datasets and check authorization for UPDATE access.
Retry from I/O error input.
Avoid msg IEB105I if membername contains invalid characters, if all members are copied.
Command 'SORT CHA' did not properly sort the date changed. Fixed.
RPFPDS Member list: Primary command RESET renamed into REFRESH.
RPFEDIT Fix CUT/REPLACE/CREATE/A error if data contains invalid characters.
RPFCHNG Fix errornous translate X'00' to blank.
RPFDATAL Do not skip to dataset list if entering a volume below the datasetname to avoid wrong selection.
RPFEND Module made re-entrant and reusable.
RPFINIT Splash screen deleted and RPFINIT made re-entrant and reusable.
RPFOUT Option 'P' prints the output into a VB dataset with record length 255.
RPFPDS Commands 'SORT CHA' and 'SORT SIZE' did not properly sort the date changed and SIZE. Fixed.
RPFARCH Selection of ITEMS, GROUPS, SUBGROUPS and TYPES supported.
RECFM=FA/VA/FM/VM not recognized. Fixed.
RPFALLOC RECFM=FA/VA/FM/VM not recognized. Fixed.

What is new in Release 1.9.4?

RPFED and RPFV Maximum LINES fixed from 5,000 to 50,000
RPFTEST Module made re-entrant and reusable.
RPFSAVE Fix crash after ABENDx37 during CLOSE. Process ISPF stats extended section if number of lines, number of initial lines and/or number of modified lines exceeds 64k lines. 
RPFVTOC1 Use full length dataset names in the DSLIST screen, if the screen width is 98 or more. Line command 'S' (Info-S) added in DSLIST.  ABEND001 fixed with 'A' or 'I' line command in DSLIST if an I/O error was detected. 
RPFVTOC Fixed issue if entering '3.4' and an error occurs, the message was not displayed.
RPFARCH Increase space ARCHDSN to avoid x37 abend. EDIT/BROWSE/DELETE error fixed if GROUP, SUBGROUP and/or TYPE are omitted.
RPFARSVE Add extra comma's in Archiver UNLOAD statements if GROUP, SUBGROUP and/or TYPE are omitted.
RPFTSO Do not reset APF authorization if running authorized and TSO command has been link edited with AC=1.
RPFBRO Process standard and extended ISPF stats and increase length counters in print headers.
RPFPDS Primary- and line command 'S' added in PDS maintenance to browse member (option 3.1). Process ISPF stats extended section if number of lines, number of initial lines and/or number of modified lines exceeds 64k lines. 
RPFMVCPY Process ISPF stats extended section if number of lines, number of initial lines and/or number of modified lines exceeds 64k lines.
RPFHCPY Some issues fixed, allow non card image data and module made re-entrant and re-usable
RPFOUT Try to run output processor in MVS38J if not APF authorized.
RPFMAIN Terminal name in main menu.
RPFVTOC Indexed VTOC's are now supported in MVS/XA and MVS/ESA with DF/DS or DFP installed.
RPFOPER Supports now MVS38J, MVS/XA and MVS/ESA and up.

What is new in Release 1.9.3?

RPFEDIT Fix incidentally 0C4 abend if editing empty data. Fix persistency of msg 'Invalid boundaries' in screen. SAVE command saves in same dataset/member. CREATE command added along with CC,CB,CT line commands to create data sets or members.
REPLACE command added along with CC,CB,CT line commands to replace data sets or members.
RPFDATAL Datasets in selection list can be selected by pressing ENTER in the line of the selected dataset. 'Ignore case' added in menu in option 3.8, Search strings of data.
HELP HELP option 1 (Intro) rewritten.
RPFPDS Allow line commands 'E' and 'P' in option 1 (Browse). Allow line commands 'B', 'V' and 'P' in option 2 (EDIT).
RPFDEF Option 'Assembler program' moved from option 0.1 (OPTIONS) to option 0.4 (ASMDEF)
Test validity AUTOSAVE value in opt. 0.1.
RPFPAN00 DYNALLOC's replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
RPFPAN01 DYNALLOC's replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
RPFVTOC1 Line command 'A' added to allocate a new dataset.
RPFALLOC with inherited DSN, SPACE- and DCB parameters.
RPFSRCH Match string no matter if upper-, lower- or mixed case if 'Ignore case' = Y and match string exactly if 'Ignore case' = N.
RPFLIB01 DYNALLOC's replaced by IKJDAIR calls and RPFLIB01 made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFARCH Line command 'V' invokes the editor in VIEW mode.
RPFASM00 Add default source library and default 1st MACLIB if not present in ISPF profile
RPFLIB Line command 'C' (copy) deleted.
RPFCHNG Loop fixed if 'C /<blanks>//' given.
RPFMVCPY Primary command SORT added (sort on membername).
RPFOPER 3 and 4 digit UCB's supported in D UCB command and type of DASD displayed (e.g. DASD 3350).

What is new in Release 1.9.2?

RPFASM Fix allocation error include library (INC-Lib).
RPFVTOC Module made re-entrant and re-usable and large volumes supported in OS/390 and z/OS.
RPFEDIT Increment line number on screen set to 1, do not renumber numbered data initially, with the exception of new datasets/members, Number of changes counted for RPFSAVE and VIEW mode supported. 
RPFFIND Operands 'line-1' and 'line-2' deleted in F(IND) primary command and replaced by 'start column'.
RPFALLOC Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
Primary command NONUM changed into NUMBER OFF.
Primary command NUM changed into NUMBER ON.
RPFSAVE Fix misplacement line number in V(B) data sets. 
RPFCHNG Fix misplacement line number in V(B) data sets.
RPFFILL Fix misplacement line number in V(B) data sets. 
RPFSAVE ISPF stats modified lines updated from RPFEDIT
RPFPDS ISPF initial size + modified lines placed in screen if screen width >= 92 + order of stats entries changed on screen, fix wrong SORT CHA and SORT SIZE result, line command 'V' invokes the editor in VIEW mode, and add option 'OV' and option 'NX' in the load module member selection list if in effect.
RPFMVCPY Order of ISPF stats entries changed on screen, COPY/MOVE with IEBCOPY runs now in a non-APF environment in MVS38J like MVS/ESA and above, message 'From/To dataset not in catalg' added, and add option 'OV' and option 'NX' in the load module member selection list if in effect.
RPFTSO Reset APF authorization temporary if invoking a non-APF command processor in MVS38J and module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFVTOC1 Compress with IEBCOPY runs now in a non-APF environment in MVS38J like MVS/ESA and above, and VIEW mode supported with line command 'V'.
RPFMAIN PF01 and PF13 key supported in MAIN menu to invoke HELP function.
RPFDATAL 'Skip numbers' added in menu in option 3.8, Search strings of data.
RPFSRCH Skip search of last 8 bytes of fixed data or first 8 bytes of variable data if 'Skip numbers' = Y, or skip first 6 bytes and last 8 bytes if value = C.
RPFOUT Module made re-entrant and re-usable.

What is new in Release 1.9.1?

RPFEDIT Primary commands I 0,n and CO/MO n,m,0 fixed.
Numbered variable data supported with line numbers in columns 1-8.
Primary command SCOPE renamed into BNDS.
Redefine the default boundaries (BNDS) as follows:
- COBOL data: columns 7-72
- Not numbered fixed data: columns 1 - LRECL
- Not numbered variable data: columns 1 - LRECL-4 (RDW)
- Numbered fixed data: columns 1 - LRECL-8
- Numbered variable data: columns 9 - LRECL-4 (RDW)
Fix update on last line on screen, that was not marked as changed.
RPFBRO Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
Sometimes the separator record missing if browsing RECFM=U data. This is fixed.
RPFLIB Dynamic allocations replaced by IKJDAIR calls and RPFLIB made re-entrant and re-usable. 
RPFOPER Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFED Fix interception of an I/O error.
RPFSAVE Fix msg 'Dataset/member saved' missing if EDIT workspace is saved into a sequential data set.
RPFTSO Reset and set APF authorization only in MVS/ESA and above to prevent 047 abends in MVS38J
RPFV New module RPFV, the DSLIST TSO command processor.
RPFVTOC Menu not displayed if called by the RPFV command processor.
RPFMVCPY Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFARCH Fix error during SAVE in ARCHIVE after EDIT.
RPFOUT Increase LRECL from 133 to 255 to prevent ABEND001.
RPFDEF Module (option 0) made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFASM DYNALLOC's replaced by IKJDAIR calls and RPFASM made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFASM00 Module made re-entrant and re-usable.

What is new in Release 1.9.0?

This is a maintenance release of RPF, with a lot op optimizing and a few fixes of known issues in RPF 1.8.9. 24 modules are now re-entrant.

RPFSAVE Fix wrong entry in PDS (3.1) after (AUTO)SAVE after 'E' line command.
RPFVTOC1 Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFFIND Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFALLOC Dynamic allocations replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
DSNTYPE removed and RACHECK/RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH added to check authorization before create.
RPFPDS Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFBRO Screen area moved to a GETMAIN'ed area and made dependent of screen size. Internal DATE routine replaced by call to RPFCNVDT.
RPFSAVE Abend 0C4 fixed if entering option 5 (Archiver).
RPFDATAL Search string not blanked after SEARCH in opt. 3.8
RPFARCH Dynamic allocations replaced by IKJDAIR calls and module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFARSVE Dynamic allocations replaced by IKJDAIR calls and module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFHELP Module made re-entrant and re-usable.
RPFDOC Module made re-entrant and re-usable and internal DATE routine replaced by call to RPFCNVDT.
RPFSTAT Module made re-entrant and re-usable and internal DATE routine replaced by call to RPFCNVDT.
RPFHCPY Internal DATE routine replaced by call to RPFCNVDT.
RPFOUT Module optimized, SSOB dynamically allocated.
RPFDEF Fix display return code of option 0 (defaults).
RPFMAIN and RPFVTOC1 Substitute BROWSE if trying to EDIT a dataset with RECFM=U.
RPFSRCH Module made re-entrant and re-usable.

What is new in Release 1.8.9?

RPFMAIN Options possible during startup (e.g. RPF 3.4)
RPFEDIT Warning message issued if CANCEL primary command is given with outstanding changes.
Prohibit 'COBOL ON' primary command if RECFM=V(B).
AUTOSAVE ON/OFF primary command added and add AUTOSAVE in the PROFILE line.
FORCE operand of SAVE deleted.
ABEND0C4 fixed if first the CUT command given and afterwards the CC line commands.
RPFED ISPF panel library added to invoke RPF functions in ISPF.
RPFED Minimum LINES = 200, Maximum = 50,000 lines. If running AMODE 31, min = 2,000 max = 500,000
RPFOUT Option 0,1,2,3,4 changed into options L,D,P,R,'blank' to equalize with ISPF.
RPFBRO F x'hhhh...' or FIND x'hhhh..' supported.
Fix not found matches of 'string' in HEX mode with 'F' primary command.
SUBMIT function moved to RPFSUB.
RPFDAIR Do not fill in the volume in the panel in EDIT, BROWSE, Library (PDS), RESET, SEARCH and MOVE/COPY if a cataloged dataset is used.
Give RC=40 if BLDL fails with RC=8 (I/O error)
RPFVTOC1 If only LEVEL is specified do not fill in volume in EDIT, BROWSE and member list function (opt 3.4)
RPFASM00 Treat this ISPF foreground assembler monitor as a 'real' TSO command processor.
Fix ABEND0C1 if entering a TSO command in browse.
Clear the TSO buffers upon exit.
RPFHELP The HELP function read the members RPFHELP1-5 from the //SYSHELP concatenation.
Dynamic allocation of profile cluster deleted.
Default EDIT workspace size increased to 7,000 lines.
RPFDEF Dynamic allocation of profile cluster deleted.
SUBMIT=TSO/RPF default removed. SUBMIT is allways
TSO (TSO command processor SUBMIT is invoked).
RPFEND Dynamic allocation of profile cluster deleted. The profile cluster is now in //RPFPROF DD statement.
RPFLISTC Dynamic allocation of utility datasets replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
RPFSRCH Dynamic allocation of PRINT output replaced by IKJDAIR call.
RPFMVCPY All dynamic allocations replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
RPFVTOC After change dataset prefix, do not reset to default if calling afterwards during the RPF session.
RPFOUT Test if output processor is APF authorized.
RPFSAVE Fix abend B14-10 after error in EDIT APPEND primary command, like an I/O error.
RPF Dynamic allocation of files for the RPF basic functions replaced by IKJDAIR calls.
Use ISO date and time in the RPF build and use ISO dates in the HELP release notes.
All recovery routines examined and updated.
Storage constraints fixed by adding FREEPOOL macro's.

What is new in Release 1.8.8?

RPFEDIT Fix persistency of msg 'Invalid scope' in screen.
RC=24 (workspace empty) and RC=08 (workspace full) deleted. If workspace is empty, input mode will be selected. The rest of the returncodes are renumbered.
See option 7.3.
Give msg 'Data set empty' if appended data is empty.
Set data set entry menu in EDIT mode after APPEND primary command.
Remove keywords 'T', 'Lo' and 'Nul' from header.
Add primary command 'PROF' to display a profile line Yes or No.
The profile line contains: Numbered: YES/NO, Cobol: ON/OFF, Caps: ON/OFF and Nulls: ON/OFF.
Primary command CAPS renamed into CAPS ON.
Primary command ASIS renamed into CAPS OFF.
Primary command COB renamed into COBOL ON.
Primary command NOCOB renamd into COBOL OFF.
Primary command NULLS renamed into NULLS ON.
Primary command NONULLS renamed into NULLS OFF.
RPFED Function RPFST added to RESET the ISPF statistics.
RPFLISTC Fix omission of 3340 dasd.
RPFPDS Primary command HELP added in memberlist EDIT, BROWSE, Library and RESET functions.
RPFARCH Change msg 'Invalid cmd' into 'Sel. B,D,E,P'.
RPFLIB Test return code after executing 'C' (Copy) line command.
RPFUTIL Reset EDIT mode in data entry menu in opt 3.1.
RPFSAVE Fix SAVE panel not populated after ABEND913 in combination with AUTOSAVE (END command in EDIT).
RPFEDITL Return code 08 deleted and the rest renumbered.
Flooding I/O error messages fixed.

What is new in Release 1.8.7?

RPFARCH ISPF version/mod should not be inherited anymore.
RPFASM protected against abends in the assember and linkage editor.
RPFBRO Subcommand 'TSO' added.
RPFDATAL Option 2 (Edit a LIBRARIAN module or index) deleted.
Option 3 (Edit a PANVALET ...) renamed into option P.
RPFED ABEND0C4 fixed, because @@SETUP was not called.
Keyword LINES with alias SIZE added and fix I/O error if member is not present.
RPFEDIT Subcommand APPEND rejected if called from the RPFED or RPFPD command processor.
If called from Rick's archive set 'Archive' in header instead of the data set name.
Easier recovery of x37 abends.
RPFHELP Allocation HELP and test presence moved to RPFINIT.
RPFINIT Test if HELP data set is present and allocate.
RPFLIB Primary command INDEX added to edit a LIBRARIAN index with the RPF editor (RPFEDIT).
RPFLIB00 Module deleted. Functions are available in option 3.5.
RPFOUT Fix translation to caps of Output class in option 3.6
RPFPDS Fix screen error in RESET command, fix an error if placing with EDIT the first member into an empty PDS(E) and check existance of member before processing any line commands.
Subcommand 'TSO' added in member selection list
RPF Minor optimizations made.
HELP Release notes displayed in reverse order.

What is new in Release 1.8.6?

RPFPDS Test if dataset is partitioned removed and set return code on open error or IO error.
Message 'Only S (D) is a valid line cmd' changed into 'Invalid selection code'.
RPFDATAL Test if dataset is partitioned for Reset ISPF and PDS maintenance.
RPFMAIN Test return code of RPFPDS (open- and IO-error).
RPFUTIL Test return code of RPFPDS (open- and IO-error) and test return code RPFSRCH.
RPFVTOC1 Test return code of RPFPDS (open- and IO-error).
RPFSRCH Handle I/O error in PDS(E) directory.
RPFMVCPY Handle I/O error of input PDS(E) directory.
RPFVTOC1 Return code 24 in Uncatalog fixed in subsequent DELETE's in z/OS in DSLIST.
RPFED New module for EDIT, Browse or PDS maintenance in TSO READY mode or in Wally's ISPF.
RPFED 'data set name' VOL(vvvvvv) for EDIT
RPFBR 'data set name' VOL(vvvvvv) for Browse
RPFPD 'data set name' VOL(vvvvvv) for PDS
RPFDATAL Option Line Numbers removed from data entry screen.
RPFDEF Option Line Numbers removed from allocations and a better allocation screen (opt. 0.2)
RPFEDIT Numbered or not-numbered data will be automatically detected.

What is new in Release 1.8.5?

RPFBRO Fix ABEND0C4 in HEX command and fix blank last screen if # records of dataset is a multiple of (screensize-3).
RPFOUT =n or =n.n command (fast jump) supported.
RPFDATAL and RPFSAVE: avoid member names with inside blanks in entry and save screen.
RPFALLOC Fix test on PREFIX, LIBRARY and TYPE and DSNTYPE = PDSE added (OS/390 and z/OS only).
RPFARCH Version included in Archiver DELETE statement.
RPFFIND Repeat find fixed if string is in the last position in the EDIT boundary (SCOPE).
RPF Option Upper Case removed, automatically detected,
RPFTSO Screen pollution fixed if the screen width > 162.
RPFEDIT ASIS and CAPS were swapped. Issue is fixed.
RPFASM Change message: Alloc err 1708 into "Dataset not in catalog" (the real reason).
RPFMVCPY Subcommand 'SORT TTR' added in Move/Copy. Load module attribute RF (Refreshable) added.
RPFPDS Load module attribute RF (Refreshable) added.
RPF Option menus deleted in Archiver maintenance, Archiver save, LIBRARIAN read, LIBRARIAN maintenance en PANVALET read.
Option X removed from Save, LIBRARIAN update, PANVALET update, Dataset functions, Data set selection list and Output.
Minor fixes made.

What is new in Release 1.8.4?

RPFARCH Aliasses Archive skipped in display. Combined date or message in screen. Garbage removed if editing RECFM=V(B) items.
RPFDEF Upper Case and Line Numbers checked for validity
RPFVTOC1 Msg: 'Workspace too small' not set, fixed.
RPFPDS Line command 'F', Archiver to VSAM Archive cluster added. Allow 'P' line command for RECFM=U datasets.
RPFARSVE Archive from from 'F' line command supported
RPFEDIT Change flag set after subcommand R (repeat).
RPFUTIL Handle return code SEARCH correctly.
RPFLISTC Include VSAM data sets in DSLIST (opt. 3.4).
RPFBRO Fix storage constraint if invoked for PRINT.
RPF Module RCTOSBA moved to a COPY member. Subcommands SCB, SCF, SCL and SCR renamed into UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT.
RPF heavily optimized, 1,300 lines code saved.
Minor bugs fixed.

What is new in Release 1.8.3?

RPFDATAL Message Alloc failed rc=0004 changed into Dataset not in catalog (the real reason)
Message Alloc failed rc=0008 changed into Dataset not on volume (the real reason)
RPFLIB Message Alloc error 1708 on DS changed into Dataset not in catalog (the real reason)
RPFLIB00 Message Alloc error 1708 on DS changed into Dataset not in catalog (the real reason)
RPFPAN00 Call Panvalet Access Method (PAM) dynamically and modernize screen.
RPFPAN01 Check presence of Panvalet and modernize screen.
RPFDAIR Return code 24 (seq. dataset with member) deleted
RPFEDIT ABEND0C7 in subsequent EDIT after APPEND fixed.
RPFSAVE Message Alloc failed rc=0004 changed into Dataset not in catalog (the real reason)
Message Alloc failed rc=0008 changed into Dataset not on volume (the real reason)
RPFARCH New module to process Rick Fochtman's ARCHIVER. ARCHIVER is a free component, which can be downloaded from cbttape.org (file 147).
RPFUTIL Option (3).9 added, process Archive
RPFINIT ARCHIVER VSAM cluster DSN read from RPF profile.
RPFDEF ARCHIVER VSAM cluster DSN can be specified in option 0.2 and will be saved in the RPF profile.
RPFARSVE New module to save data in the VSAM Archive
RPFSAVE Option 5, save in Archive cluster added
RPFEDIT Subcommand OSSAVE deleted.
RPFMCPY Error first SBA in selection screen fixed.

What is new in Release 1.8.2?

RPFTSO Fix S306 abend if RPF runs APF-authorized and delete RPFTSOEX exit.
RPF Dependency of MVS38J usermod ZP60009 removed, and the fullscreen writes on the screen will be executed with a TPUT NOEDIT, only if 14 bits SBA's are used for screens with a size more than 4096. If the screen is 4096 bytes or less, the TPUT FULLSCR will be executed (the normal TPUT).
This change also makes execution of RPF possible on TCAM 3270 terminals.

Modules affected:
12. RPFLIB00
13. RPFLIB01

What is new in Release 1.8.1?

RPFHELP Unnecessary options in menu deleted
RPFDEF Unnecessary options in menu deleted 
RPFTEST Unnecessary options in menu deleted 
RPFUTIL Unnecessary options in menu deleted 
RPFMAIN 7 extra characters added in translate tables
Main menu redesigned.
RPFMVCPY Better header in Move/Copy screen
RPFEDIT Screen data compressed before display on screen
Increase ISPF vv.mm only if data is changed and set vv to 01 instead of 50 if not present.
Mark workspace not changed if only lines are inserted and mark workspace changed after successful APPEND subcommand.
Allow COB command on a wide screen.
Detect COBOL line numbers in col 1-6 and set data in COBOL mode if these numbers are present.
RPFBRO Screen data compressed before display on screen
RPFC3270 3270 data stream compression routine added
RPFOPER Fix 'invalid command' loop if RPFOPER runs stand alone
RPFTSO Set STLINENO to line 1 if RPF runs on a 24x80 screen.
RPF Support screens up to 16384 bytes with a maximum linecount of 99 and a maximum width of 200 bytes.
RPFDATAL Some textual changes in Data entry screen.
Removed test on '.TEXT' data sets for setting EDIT in Asis mode, because 'Asis' will be detected.
RPFSAVE Set ISPF vv to 01 instead of 50 if not present.
RPFVTOC1 Add Allocation type in Data set information screen in opt. 3.4 (ABSTR, BLOCK, TRACK or CYLINDER)

What is new in Release 1.8.0?

RPFSAVE Fix error if invoked after 'END' in RPFEDIT with the APPEND flag ($EDTCOPY) on.
Screen a little redesigned and only A-Z in the member name are translated to CAPS.
Change message 'Allocation RC=32' to 'Member not found'
Give message 'Data set name missing' if the data set is not specified.
RPF Unnecessary option APPEND deleted, because this option is covered by the APPEND subcommand of RPFEDIT
RPFEDIT DSNAME(member) in header and 'Xlate' and 'Nonum' in header deleted. 'Top' changed into 'T' and 'Asis' changed into 'Lo'. 
In CAPS mode translate only the letters a-z to CAPS
Support scroll HALF in RIGHT and LEFT subcommands and leave cursor on same line after successful LEFT or RIGHT subcommand.
Fix screen convert error if SCOPE and/or Scroll field is completely erased.
Parse error &'subcommand' fixed.
Subcommand OVLY ln1,ln2,ln3 added (overlay) and line commands C -> OO -- OO and C -> O added.
RPFBRO HELP screen improved, has now the same size as the other screens.
Translate only a-z in command field to upper case
RPFPDS Translate only a-z in command field to upper case
RPFDATAL Change message 'Allocation RC=32' to 'Member not found'
Give message 'Data set name missing' if the data set is not specified in opt 1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.8
RPFASM Change message 'Allocation RC=32' to 'Member not found'.
RPFOUT Fix the use of the DEL key in the screen.
All: 86 characters added to the translate tables.
A lot of minor changes made and code optimized.

What is new in Release 1.7.9?

RPFDATAL Check record length of V(B) data sets in the correct way.
RPFSAVE Check record length of V(B) data sets in the correct way.
RPFUTIL Treat IMON (opt 3.7) as a 'real' TSO command processor.
RPFPDS Set workspace record length to 80 on exit to make edit current workspace possible.
RPFVTOC1 Set workspace record length to 80 on exit to make edit current workspace possible.
RPFBRO Alias FIND of 'F' command added.
RPFCHNG Loop fixed if 'C //string/' is given.
C /P'.'/string2/ change invalid strings supported.
Flag the workspace lines if data is changed.
RPFEDIT Allow numerics in command along with line commands (implicit L+ or L- command)
Fix a convert error if the DEL or EOF key was used in the Line-number field.
Reverse the line numbers if the line is changed with the 'C' subcommand.
Handle I/O error after APPEND correctly.
RPFSRCH Allow quoted search strings in option 3.8
RPFEDITL Add SYNAD routine to prevent ABEND001 in RPFEDIT and give a suitable message.
RPFBRO Add SYNAD routine and handle the I/O error correctly.
RPFFIND F x'hhhhhh....' (HEX Find) subcommand supported.
'O' subcommand deleted.
RPFJCL Accept REGION=nM in JOB card and EXEC card.
Give warning message with NOTIFY=&SYSUID
Large screen supported.
RPFDAIR Replace 'TEMPNAME' by <blank> if a member selection list requested in EDIT and BROWSE.
RPFLIB Remove unnecessary MODULE field in selection list.
RPFLIB00 Specify <blank> instead of '*' to request LIBRARIAN index
RPF Allow terminals with buffer up to 9920 bytes (like 62x160 or 99x100) and minor enhancements implemented.
Minor enhancements implemented.
RPFBRO Browse data sets with undefined records (RECFM=U), like load libraries, implemented.The data is formatted and is in EBCDIC and HEX.

What is new in Release 1.7.8?

RPFVTOC1 Handle up the Erase EOF and DEL key and parse the primary commands in DSLIST.
RPFBRO Fix SCR (RIGHT) command. The data was positioned 1 byte too far.
RPFUTIL Fix blank screen after invoking IMON.
RPFLIB00 Reject EDIT if the workspace is too small.
RPFLIB Reject EDIT if the workspace is too small.
RPFMAIN Prevent changing size of screen if entering option 9 (Operator).
RPFTEST Large screen support added and RELOAD command added in option 2 (Alter/Display).
RPFPDS EDIT loop fixed if all members in a 62 lines screen are selected for EDIT.
Reject 'S' command in option 3.1
RPFALLOC Add BLOCK allocation in option 3.2
RPF Minor bugs fixed

What is new in Release 1.7.7?

RPFEDIT Support PRINT subcommand.
RPFHCPY Add PRINT function and module redesigned.
RPFBRO Incidentally blank screen fixed. Remove invalid characters in PRINT output.
Fix loop in FIND if storage is exhausted and text was not found.
RPFTSO Fix '=x' (lowercase).
RPF Stay in EDIT after ABENDx37 in RPFSAVE.
RPFDATAL Screen a little redesigned and member name hidden if used for PDS (opt 3.1) and RESET stats (opt. 3.0). Entry screen modified to allow the SEARCH function.
RPFMVCPY Allow DEL and/or EOF key in the entire screen.
RPFLIB Parse all subcommands correctly before execute. Allow DEL and/or EOF key in the entire screen.
RPFLIB00 Support large screen up to 62x160.
RPFPDS Add PRINT command to browse the directory listing.
RPFUTIL Add Option 8, SEARCH to search a string in an sequential dataset or an entire PDS(E).
RPFSRCH New module to search through a sequential or partitioned data set and write the lines with the hits in a data set, which will be browsed.
RPFOUT Change RECFM of output from FBA into FB.

What is new in Release 1.7.6?

RPFSAVE If numbered data saved into a new member, reset last 2 columns instead of columns 79-80.
RPFEDIT ABEND0C7 fixed if I *,0 or DEL *,0 given.
The command can be set in any place in the command area.
Terminate EDIT if workspace is too small.
Parse all subcommands correctly before execute.
Commands 'C /X'hh..'/', 'C //X'hh..'' and 'C /X'hh..'/X'hh..'' (hh = 0-9, A-F) supported.
RPFFIND If a string is more than 1 times on the same line, give subsequent matches in the same line if only an 'F' is entered (repeat find) and place the cursor on the found string.
Support F P'.' to search invalid characters.
RPFOUT Message 'Unexpected return code' changed into 'Invalid CANCEL request' (the real reason).
RPFTSO Test on lowercase 'end' and protect CALLTSSR with GAMOS/GAMAPP
RPFBRO Browse larger datasets possible if addressing mode is NOT 24.
Do a little parsing of the primary commands and remove ON/OFF in the HEX command.
RPFINIT Append userid in key RPF profile cluster always to 7 bytes. If userid < 7 bytes replace ' ' by '-' to get always a unique key.
Default workspace size increased to 6,000 lines.
RPFPDS Parse all subcommands correctly before execute and allow DEL and/or EOF key in the complete screen.
RPFMVCPY Allow DEL and/of EOF key in command field and parse the primary commands.

What is new in Release 1.7.5?

RPFDATAL Hide options Upper case, Append and Line numbers if invoked for PDS maintenance or Browse.
Options Upper case, Append and Line numbers are now in 1 line.
Add options New Userid, New Version and New modification level to reset ISPF/RPF statistics. Hide these options if not invoked for RESET.
RPFUTIL Option 0, RESET statistics added
Return corrected if 3.0 or 3.1 selected..
RPFPDS The RESET ISPF/RPF statistics function added.
Set Append off if EDIT is invoked in option 3.1
RPFOUT Avoid msg Dupl.Jobname in CANCEL if jobname is unique.
RPFEDIT Do not leave EDIT is only an '=' command is entered and change text 'Update' into 'EDIT', ABEND0C4 resolved in DEL and CO primary commands if line-2 < line-1.
Primary command COPY renamed into APPEND.
RPFPDS The Delete ISPF/RPF statistics function added.
RPFBRO ABEND001/ABEND378 sometimes occurs after TSO SUBMIT. This is resolved now.
RPFINIT ABEND0C1 resolved if RPF FAST is entered.

What is new in Release 1.7.4?

RPFSAVE Retry screen displayed if LIBRARIAN save is in error
RPFTSO Skip translate to capitals of the TSO commands
RPFEDIT Pending line commands were not highlighted for many years. This failure is now corrected.
If no subcommand is entered, place the cursor on the next data line if the cursor was in the data.
Set Changed flag after successful $DOC command
RPFOUT Subsystem datasets kept after option 4, so next
invoke of output same job is possible
Correct status display if Jobname = Userid, so all jobs with userid + 1, 2 or 3 jobname characters are displayed
RPFBRO Garbage removed in 80 column terminal
RPFPDS Line command X (queue for transmission) and primary command XMIT enabled (does not work in MVS38J)

What is new in Release 1.7.3?

RPFEDIT ISPF modification propagated in NUMBERED data line numbers if the lines inserted by the PASTE subcommand
Linenumbers (not COBOL) are now always in the last 8 positions, no matter what the LRECL is.
Modules affected:
Warning data loss if NONUM data will be renumbered with the RENUM subcommand
Prevent RENUMBER of data with variable records.
RPFBRO Make SUBMIT dependent of the SUBMIT parameter in the RPF defaults (Submit wit TSO SUBMIT command or submit directly to JES2 internal reader)
RPFTSO Last 10 TSO commands saved in screen
RPFINIT The last 10 TSO commands retrieved from Profile cluster
RPFEND The last 10 TSO commands written on Profile cluster

What is new in Release 1.7.2?

RPFASM Link the assembler with VL=1 to prevent msg IEC908I 112-03 if executing assembler H (IEV90)
RPFCHNG Support change HEX strings with C /X'aa'/X'bb'/A (or nnn-mmm) to replace 1 HEX byte
RPFEDIT Detect unprintables during build of screen instead during READ of input.
Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
Scale line can be hidden or shown with the COLS subcommand.
ISPF/RPF vv:mm in header and set the ISPF/RPF stats in col 79-80 in changed lines if workspace is numbered
RPFTSO Display of some messages resolved
RPFVTOC LRECL set to 80 if invoking RPFEDIT
RPFFILL FILL string can contain lower case characters now
RPFBRO Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
RPFMVCPY Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
RPFPDS Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
RPFVTOC1 Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
RPFLIB Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
Alias DOWN of SCF and alias UP of SCB added
And invoke RPFSAVE after E line command  if LIBRARIAN is not installed
RPFLIB01 Test if LIBRARIAN is installed
RPFINIT COLS attribute read from RPF profile cluster
RPFDEF COLS attribute can be set in option 1
Decrease max workspace lines to 1 million
RPFSAVE Reset column 79-80 of numbered data if saved in another data set or member
RPF SMS managed data sets, indexed VTOC's and UCBSCAN supported if RPFDAIR, RPFLISTC, RPFOPER and RPFVTOC are assembled with SYSPARM(RPFE) in an OS/390 or z/OS system.

What is new in Release 1.7.1?

RPFDEF All panels supports screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns.
RPFEDIT Supports now records lengths from 40 to 255 and RECFM = F(B) and RECFM = V(B) are supported.
The Scope command in EDIT covers now the data visible on the screen or the complete record if the second operand = LRECL size or 999.
Numbered data and COBOL data are restricted to a record length of 80.
Modules affected:
13. RPFLIB00
Abend0C4 resolved in Rxx Line command
Line command I did not work correct, resolved.
RPFASM Source libary checked on LRECL=80

What is new in Release 1.7.0?

RPFMAIN Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
RPFUTIL Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
RPFHELP Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
RPFDATAL EDIT, Browse and PDS selection list supports Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns
RPFEDIT Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
Delete range of lines > 16MB corrected
Input Convert error resolved if SBA after AID byte contains X'11'
RPFPDS Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
Scroll MAX corrected ('m' + PFK7/PFK8)
RPFMVCPY Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
Scroll MAX corrected ('m' + PFK7/PFK8)
RPFVTOC1 Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
RPFTSO Screen sizes up to 62 lines x 160 columns supported
RPFVTOC VTOC selection list supports up to screens with a dimension of 62 lines x 160 columns
RPFALLOC Data set selection list supports up to screens with a dimension of 62 lines x 160 columns
RPFSAVE Data set selection list supports up to screens with a dimension of 62 lines x 160 columns
RPFASM Assembler and Linkage editor screen supports up to screens with a dimension of 62 lines x 160 columns
RPFPFK PFK screen supports screen sizes up to 62 x 160
RPFSTAT PFK screen supports screen sizes up to 62 x 160
RPFDEF Menu supports screen sizes up to 62 x 160, option 1,2,4 supports 3270 model 2, 3 or 4 only.
RPFOUT Output screen supports screen sizes up to 62 x 160

What is new in Release 1.6.2?

RPFPDS Load module attributes displayed if library is a LOADLIB
RPFMVCPY Load module attributes displayed if library is a LOADLIB
RPFMAIN Screen error resolved if "=5" or "=7" selected from the EDIT, Browse, Data set list or Member list
Prevent scattered screens if non standard screen sizes are used
RPFASM The Binder is recalled Linkage Editor and code optimized
RPFALLOC Option 1 is now option A, option 2 is now option D and option A is now default upon entry.
RPFEDIT Block lines with unprintables for editing
RPFINIT Change default workspace from 4000 to 5000 lines
ABEND0C4 resolved during SUB command in EDIT
RPFDATAL Very incidental screen error resolved
RPFBRO Prevent scattered screen if non standard screen sizes are used and support large screens up to 62x160, with special thanks to Greg Price.

What is new in Release 1.6.1?

RPFVTOC abend0C4 solved in loading DEB addresses
RPFOUT abend0C4 solved during FREEPOOL
RPFSUB Bug solved if workspace is above 16MB
RPFLISTC abend0C4 solved in IDCAMS by LINK VL=1 in z/OS
RPFVTOC1 abend0C4 solved in IEBCOPY by LINK VL=1 in z/OS
Code optimized
RPFMVCPY abend0C4 solved in IEBCOPY by LINK VL=1 in z/OS
RPFPDS Code optimized
Date Created added in member list
P linecmd wrong return code corrected
RPFMAIN Product code of OS in mainmenu if CVTPRODN <> x'00' Otherwise CVTRELNO in main menu
Allow option 0,9 and X after ABENDx78 in RPFDEF
RPFFILL FILL, UC and LC command counter corrected
RPFEDIT R and I linecmds not in column 1 entered gives unpredictable results. Corrected
RPFBRO Code optimized
HEX ON and HEX OFF commands added
In Hex mode 4 lines will be displayed:
1) The original line, 2) A hex line containing the high order nibbles. 3) A hex line containing the low order nibbles. 4) A separator line.
FIND command will only find strings in Non HEX lines
RPFDEF Screens optimized for 3270 model 3 and 4.
RPFSTAT Screens optimized for 3270 model 3 and 4.
RPFPFK Screen optimized and 7 color support added.
RPFMVCPY Date Created added in member list
RPFOPER Error in multiline display corrected and 4 bytes
Device adresses used to be compatible with MVS/ESA version 4 and up.

What is new in Release 1.6.0?

RPF RPF made suitable for MVS/380, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390 and z/OS with special thanks to Paul Edwards.
RPF will be shipped in 31 bit mode, but 64 bit mode will be supported.
The minimum Edit workspace = 500 lines.
Maximum Edit workspace = 2.000.000 lines.
RPFFILL, RPFSUB and RPFPFK are preloaded
RPFEDIT CUT/PASTE pending msg now correct displayed
RPFDEF Bug fixed in workspace allocation
RPFMAIN OS release in main menu screen
RPFSTAT 7 color support in screen
RPFVTOC abend0C4 solved in loading DEB addresses
RPFOUT abend0C4 solved during FREEPOOL
RPFSUB Bug solved if workspace is above 16MB
RPFLISTC abend0C4 solved in IDCAMS by LINK VL=1 in z/OS
RPFVTOC1 abend0C4 solved in IEBCOPY by LINK VL=1 in z/OS
RPFMVCPY abend0C4 solved in IEBCOPY by LINK VL=1 in z/OS

What is new in Release 1.5.3?

RPFSUB Clear screen before TSO SUBMIT with model 5 screen
RPFTSO Clear screen before TSO command with model 5 screen
RPFMVCPY Give msg 'Replaced' if member in TO dataset exists
Invalid BLKSIZE problem solved at second MOVE
RPFFIND Format of the F and O command changed in the ISPF way
RPFPDS Allow Erase EOF and DEL key in command field
RPFASM Increase space workds to prevent x37 abends
Default Assembler program name used
Assembler output from P/T/N changed into Y/N
RPFEDIT Allow command "FIND" along with "F"
Do not set change flag if "C" command ends errornous
Allow TOP and BOTTOM commands along with line commands
Some 3270 emulators did not display end of the data correctly. This is corrected.
Loop solved if number entered with pfk other than 7/8
Loop solved with CUT command along with MM cmds
The line commands can be entered in any place of the line-number field
RPFOUT Limit number of lines output to prevent x37 abends
RPFCHNG line-1/2 error solved if cmd fills up complete buffer
RPFINIT Default dataset prefix read from profile database
Default Assembler program name read from database
RPFDEF Default prefix added in option 1
Default Assembler program added in option 1
RPFVTOC The default prefix from database will be used

What is new in Release 1.5.2?

A few performance improvements made
RPFMVCPY New module to move/copy members between PDS'es
If you specify DSN(*), you are able to move/copy all members
SORT CHA command added to sort the pds on date/time changed in descending order
RPFEDIT CUT and PASTE subcommands added
Abend 0C4 solved with a truncated workspace
TSO Submit will be invoked if SUBMIT=TSO
"*** end of data ***" line added.
Empty lines after the end of data line protected
RPFPDS Empty lines after last members protected
RPFVTOC1 Emtpy lines after last dataset protected
RPFSUB Module rewritten to make TSO submit possible
RPFUTIL Option 3 added. Move/Copy members
RPFINIT Option REPLACE and SUBMIT read from the profile database
RPFDEF Option REPLACE (YES or NO) and SUBMIT (TSO or RPF) in menu 0.1
RPFMAIN Calendar refreshed before every refresh of Main menu

What is new in Release 1.5.1?

Minor problems resolved.
RPFOUT Status area problems resolved and increased to 22 jobs
RPFEDIT Only changed lines are returned to make large screens possible.
RPFTSO Fast jump command (=n or =n.n) possible
RPFUTIL Fast jump command possible
RPFHELP Fast jump command possible
RPFBRO Error resolved browsing VBA/VBM/FBA/FBM datasets
Less storage needed and max. pages increased to 2048
RPFDATAL First dataset in list could not be selected, resolved
RPFMAIN Calendar of february corrected
RPF More screens in 7 colors

What is new in Release 1.5.0?

A few bugfixes, and some improvements to RPF useability.
RPFEDIT RETRIEVE command added
AUTOSAVE parameter checked if END command has given
'n' command along with PFK to scroll 'n' lines
RPFEND RETRIEVE buffer written upon RPF database
RPFINIT RETRIEVE buffer read from database
Option AUTOSAVE read from database
RPFDEF Option AUTOSAVE added in option 1
RPFVTOC Option -1-, dataset list added and option -V- VTOC summary added. Edit VTOC moved to option -2-
RPFVTOC1 New module for dataset list
RPFLISTC New module for catalog list
RPFALLOC Option -2- Dataset delete added and module RPFDEL deleted. Check of alias deleted
RPFUTIL PDS option moved to option -1-, Allocate moved to -2-, VTOC/DSlist moved to option -4-. IMON added in opt -7-.
RPFMAIN Calender added + splash logo if RPF starts
RPFCNVDT Module to convert dates added
RPF 7 color support in quite a few modules.
RPFBRO SCL/SCR command added and browsing VB datasets possible
RPFPDS Dates converted from julian to gregorian format
RPFOUT Status area increased from 8 to 16 jobs

What is new in Release 1.4.3?

RPFCHNG Correct 'C' command if new string is longer.
RPFDEF Increase maximum # lines from 29,999 to 59,999.
RPFVTOC Trks/Cyl, Track length and Cyls/volume displayed.
RPFOUT PF3/PF15 supported
RPFPDS Leading zeroes removed from number of lines
RPF '=' subcommand added in PDS, EDIT and Browse
RPFMAIN TSO logon proc in screen
RPFEDIT Preserve empty workspace if all lines are deleted
RPFEDIT Allow editing empty datasets
RPFTSO Command check routine bypassed, all cmds are allowed.

What is new in Release 1.4.2?

Rob has again implemented a few enhancement to increase useability of his fine program:

* The possibility the edit data with non-printables. It is not a hex edit, but you change the editable data without destroying the lines with non printables, so you edit data with e.g. object decks. In the former releases all the printable data was translated into colons.
* New inserted lines will be highlighted if they are empty. If data is entered in an inserted line the highlighting of that line will disappear. The empty inserted lines will not be saved or submitted. This is the way like VM XEDIT it does.
* The COPY command in EDIT is improved.
* You can specify the UNIT type in Alloc (option 3.1)
* RPFSTAT has got a new screen (option 0.0)
* The 'M' command is supported in the member selection list (scroll max).

What was new in Release 1.4.1?

* Using the END command (PFK3) will now return you to the invoking screen, not to the main menu. This is true for
o Browse (Option 1)
o Edit (Option 2)
o PDS Maintenance (Option 3.4)
* You can now select a member with the 'S member' command in the member selection list
* Check the documentation RPF User's guide or member RPFUGUID in the attached source library.

What was new in Release 1.4?

* A few bug fixes
* RPFDATAU: Module deleted. Functions moved to RPFDATAL
RPFDATAL: Dataset selection list implemented. Module will also be used for utility functions This list is a history of the last edited datasets and will be written in the RPF database if RPF exits. No conversion of the database is
needed. RPF will just write a second record per user.
* RPFFIND: Find string matches if string is the same and can be entered in mixed case
* RPFPDS: Bug fixed if EDIT invoked and COPY command given
* RPFMAIN: SMF system id in main menu
* RPFEDIT: Save the data in the same dataset/member if the END subcommand has been given. Save only if the data has been changed (the ISPF way)
* CANCEL command added, with alias CAN to exit EDIT without saving the data.
* RPFLIB LIBRARIAN tape master files supported
* RPFBRO SUB(MIT) command added in Browse.
* See the included RPF User's guide or member RPFUGUID in the
attached source library.

What was new in Release 1.3?

* A few bug fixes
* RPFBRO introduced for browsing data RPFBRO has a lot of new commands.
* RPFASM has got a new screen
* The output of RPFASM will be browsed with RPFBRO and more assembles/links can be done without leaving the foreground assembler menu.
* RPFLIB (running librarian implemented) Option 3.5 is available. This is nice for people who have masterfiles of LIBRARIAN (a product of ADR, later Computer Associates)
* RPFOUT output will be browsed with RPFBRO.
* The maclibs, assembler parm, linkage editor parm control statements will be saved in the RPF database